
Therapeutic and diagnostic products

Femasys has achieved global regulatory approvals for a first-line infertility treatment and complimentary diagnostic products.


Infertility has become a significant global problem with no affordable infertility options introduced in decades.

More than 10 million women contend with infertility in the U.S.1

Key Trends

  • 43 U.S. states have recorded lowest fertility rate in last three decades2
  • 9.14 million women have received infertility services at some time in their lives3
  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019)
  2. Chandra A, et al. (2014)
Causes of Infertility…
A blue box containing a female icon indicating that one third of infertility cases are due to female only factors.
A blue box containing male and female icons indicating that one third of infertility cases are caused by joint female and male factors.
Blue square containing a male icon indicating the one third of infertility is from male factor only.
~40-50% is due to male factor.4 Sperm counts worldwide have declined by >50%.5
  1. Kumar N, et al. (2015) Trends of male factor infertility, an important cause of infertility: A review of literature. J Hum Reprod Sci. 8(4): 191–196. doi: 10.4103/0974-1208.170370:
  2. Levine H, et al. (2023) Temporal trends in sperm count: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis of samples collected globally in the 20th and 21st centuries. Human Reproduction Update, Vol.29, No.2, pp. 157–176, 2023

Our Infertility Portfolio

FemaSeed logo

FemaSeed is the latest in artificial insemination technology, engineered to precisely deliver sperm into the fallopian tube, the site of conception, to enhance natural fertilization.  As a highly cost-effective approach that carries notably reduced risks compared to in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), FemaSeed is positioned as a first-line therapeutic option. 

FemaSeed has regulatory approvals in the U.S., Europe, Canada, and Israel.

Clinical Data

Trial Design: 
Prospective, multi-center, unblinded pivotal clinical trial with historical control.  Conducted under FDA Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) approval.  NCT0468847

Trial Results6:

Primary Endpoint

(for male-factor/unexplained fertility (1-20 million total motile sperm count, TMSC))

  • Pregnancy rate was 26.3% by subject (n=38) and 17.5% by cycle (n=57)

FemaSeed demonstrated a significantly higher pregnancy rate than the historical control (6.7% pregnancy rate by cycle for intrauterine insemination (IUI) with male factor (greater than 1 million TMSC)).*


  • Adverse events were consistent with IUI.
  1. Liu, J. H., Glassner, M., Gracia, C. R., Johnstone, E. B., Schnell, V. L., Thomas, M. A., Morrison, L., Lee-Sepsick, K. (2024). FemaSeed Directional Intratubal Artificial Insemination for Couples with Male-Factor or Unexplained Infertility Associated with Low Male Sperm Count. J Gynecol Reprod Med, 8(2), 01-12.

Market Research

Number of participants:  1,000 infertile women

  • More than 7 in 10 women were extremely or very likely to consider insemination with FemaSeed
  • For those who received IVF, 88% would have preferred FemaSeed prior to moving on to IVF
  • 85% who received IUI would have preferred FemaSeed instead of IUI
FemVue Logo

FemVue is the first FDA-cleared product that creates natural saline and air contrast and enables safe, reliable, and real time evaluation of the fallopian tubes with ultrasound. When performed with a uterine cavity assessment, a more comprehensive exam can be achieved from the comfort of the GYN’s office.

FemVue has regulatory approvals in the U.S., Europe, Japan, Canada, and Israel.

FemCath Logo

FemCath, an FDA-cleared intrauterine catheter, is the first to allow for selective evaluation of a fallopian tube with contrast. FemCath features our proprietary delivery platform, which places balloon technology close to the opening of a selected fallopian tube for directed delivery.

FemCath has regulatory approvals in the U.S., Europe and Canada.

How it works
Mechanism of action showing FemVue with FemCath.